What does research say about these supposed hair care benefits of Vicks VapoRub? Continue reading to know if applying Vicks to your tresses does any good.

Does Vicks VapoRub Really Work For Hair Growth? 

According to many vloggers, Vicks, a topical gel applied to the chest, neck, nose, and temples to help with a blocked nose or headache, may also help in hair growth. Let’s take a look at their process of applying Vicks and the results.

Felicia Mesadieu tried the Vicks VapoRub treatment for 6 weeks and documented the before and after pictures that showed hair growth in her hairline.

She mixed Vicks with a rosemary mint cleansing conditioner by Renpure Solutions and applied it to the scalp once a week. However, she also used oil treatment every night by mixing rosemary, castor, lavender, and tomato oils.

Sonya Beonit tried the Vicks treatment on her daughter for 4 months. She mixed Vicks Vaporub with 5-6 drops of black seed oil and massaged it onto the scalp. She applied some leave-in conditioner on the scalp and hair. The later treatments also included taking steam. And her hair did grow a lot in 4 months.

Conecia, a YouTube vlogger tried the Vicks treatment on the edges of her scalp for 5 weeks. She applied the Vicks directly and left it on for 15 minutes before washing. Here’s the before and after picture:

Many other vloggers have also tried the Vicks VapoRub treatment and witnessed hair growth. What is it in Vicks that makes the hair grow? Let’s find out in the next section.

Vicks Vaporub Ingredients That May Cause Hair To Grow 

The active or medicinal ingredients in Vicks are:

Camphor – Has antimicrobial properties and helps heal wounds (1). Menthol – May unclog the pores on the scalp. It also relieves pain (2). Eucalyptus Oil – Helps enhance hair luster (3).

The inactive or non-medicinal ingredients in Vicks are:

Cedarleaf oil – Has antimicrobial properties. Nutmeg oil – Helps relieve chronic inflammatory pain. Petrolatum – May help lock in moisture. Thymol – Helps heal wounds and stimulate hair follicles (4). Turpentine oil – May prevent fungal infections (5).

The ingredients in Vicks may seem to be beneficial for hair growth, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that it works. Vicks VapoRub is formulated for topical application during cold, headache, and sore throat. If you are curious to know how to apply Vicks, check out the following section.   

Ways Beauty Vloggers Have Used Vicks For Hair Growth 

Note:  There is no guarantee that it will help your hair grow. Also, it might tingle, so avoid applying it in excess.

Method 1 – Massage Vicks directly onto your scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash with a shampoo. Method 2 – Mix Vicks with black seed oil and massage onto the scalp. Leave it in for 15 minutes before washing your hair and scalp. Method 3 – Mix Vicks with a conditioner and apply it to the scalp. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wash your hair with a shampoo.

While people are gushing over this new hair growth hack, there are some significant concerns. Check out the next section for the complete picture.

What Are The Concerns Of Using Vicks On Your Scalp? 

Regular use of petrolatum or petroleum jelly is related to adverse health effects with estrogenici  XThe property of a substance that increases the activity of the sex hormones in charge of the female reproductive system. or antiandrogenici  XA chemical that prevents androgens (male sex hormones) from attaching to proteins known as androgen receptors. activity, which may lead to prepubertal gynecomastiai  XA disorder in which the glandular tissue in the breasts becomes enlarged in boys or men, which can occur unilaterally or bilaterally.  (6). Turpentine oil is linked to renal failure, gastroesophageal hemorrhagei  XA medical disorder characterized by excessive bleeding in the digestive tract, ranging from the throat to the rectum. , vomiting, chest pain, and loss of vision. (7).

Leaving Vicks on the scalp for too long can irritate it.

All the vloggers used oils and followed a hair care routine while applying Vicks to the hair. Thus, it cannot be concluded that Vicks contributed to their hair growth. Moreover, why apply Vicks when it can harm in the long run? Do the following instead. Scroll down!

What Is The Best Way To Boost Hair Growth? 

Take Care Of Your Nutrition: Consume omega-3 fatty acids, legumes, nuts, green leafy veggies, carrot, beetroot, fruits, seeds, and dates for healthy hair growth. Have A Hair Care Routine: Oil your hair once a week, shampoo your hair twice a week, apply a hair mask once a week, and comb your hair daily to improve the blood circulation of your scalp. Reduce Stress. Stress can also prevent hair growth and cause excessive hair shedding. Take deep breaths whenever you are stressed out. Listen to music, take a walk, talk to a confidant, or seek professional advice. Adequate sleep is also recommended to reduce stress-induced body inflammation.

Tie Your Hair While Sleeping. Keep your hair protected from chafing on the pillow while asleep. Comb your hair, tie it into a braid or bun, and cover it with a satin cap.

Can Vicks cause hair loss? Vicks may cause the scalp to dry out and become irritated. If you scratch your scalp aggressively, it can lead to hair follicle damage and breakage, causing hair loss. Can I use Vicks on my scalp? Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is safe to use Vicks on your scalp. You can mix it with a carrier oil or a conditioner. If you apply it by itself, wash it off after 15-20 minutes as it may dry out your scalp. Does Vicks get rid of dandruff? Vicks contains active and inactive ingredients that have antimicrobial properties, which may help manage dandruff. Can I use menthol instead of Vicks for hair growth? Yes. Menthol can unclog the scalp pores. If your hair loss is caused by clogged pores, then menthol may help resolve the issue. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor first as menthol may dry out your scalp. Can Vicks help with alopecia? Possibly not. There is a lack of scientific evidence suggesting that Vicks may help regrow hair or assist in alopecia treatment.