Best Strong Women Quotes For Inspiration

Looking for a little pick-me-up? Here are a few quotes to make your day a little better. Enjoy! Women are often demotivated in a society where she holds significance in a significant position. The proximity of this only increases if she has a voice of her own is ambitious and direct about calling out right from wrong. She is said to have a bad attitude or is arrogant for answering back. Is answering back wrong? Especially when you know that you are right? No, not at all! But we, as women, are guilty of questioning ourselves when the person in front of us is busy victimizing themselves in situations like these.

Strong Women Quotes To Boost Attitude

For these times, and for the days when you are feeling a little less of a powerful woman than you are, here are a few quotes for strong women that will give that necessary boost!

Chin up, beautiful! The world is waiting to be conquered by you! Be an original and let the world follow you. Be a woman who earns respect in a world where everybody is looking for attention. It’s time to put the crown back on and show the world who they are dealing with. A woman should feel helpless only when her nail paint is drying. The world is gonna miss out if you decide to hide your magic. You are not rude if you are direct; you are only real! In the world of fairy tales, be your princess in shining armor! With every passing day, you owe it to yourself to know that you are perfect. You don’t have roots like a tree so move if you’re not happy wherever you are! Prioritizing yourself is not selfish; sometimes, it is just necessary. Always remember that you were not born but became a powerful woman with all your experiences. Remember that you are both beauty and the beast.

Fierce Women Quotes

There are days when you just feel like you’re not burning as bright as you are, or you are not feeling like you can conquer the world. For helpless days like those, we have some quotes for strong, independent women who are undefeated and who never give up. So, hold your head up high and read on!

You don’t have to act like a man to be a strong woman.

Be that woman who isn’t afraid to tell her story. Your scars are proof of how much stronger you are than what caused them in the first place. Be unapologetic about who you are, find your voice, and give a new definition to a strong woman. Be the woman people take to fight a war with. You are like a phoenix who had risen from her ashes when life knocked you down. Keep your confidence high, just like your favorite pair of heels! You are a woman who does not let anybody determine her story! Your soul is fierce; you don’t need to follow all the rules. Go on and just have some fun for a change! In a world full of divas, honey, you are a goddess! You should only stop to fix another woman’s crown! Nothing else can stop you; you are a force of power! Nobody can tell you who you are as a woman; only you can! Your survival will be your definition, and you know that you have come a long way!

Inspirational Quotes For Strong Women

To the times when the woman in you feels lost and just wants to snuggle on her bed, toss the boss routine, and veg out in front of Netflix, we are here to get you out of the rut! We have some powerful quotes about strong women as well as classy, strong women quotes just for you.

You are strong, you are brave, you are kind, you are caring, and you are magic! Be like the water; either you take the shape of a container you want to be in or brew up a storm when you need to! Do everything that makes you uncomfortable and scared; that is what will make you grow. Why be a princess and dream for a fairytale when you can be a queen and build your castle? The greatest representation of beauty is a woman being herself. Tough times won’t last, but honey, you will! People will tell you that you have changed when you stop living your life their way, but you do, you girl! Don’t just be gentle, be aware of the rare breed of woman that you are! Life is often gonna test you, but always remember that the climb up the cliff will make you stronger, and you are gonna love it. Be the kind of woman who makes other people want to up their game. You need to respect yourself just about enough to be able to walk away from things or people who don’t make you happy anymore. To be a strong woman is not just about being brave, but also showing up every day with your head held up high and a smile to die for! Sticks and stones may break your bones, but girl, you ain’t gonna give up because the best part of life always happens when you get back up, dust yourself off and decide to move ahead! Class is an understatement to define you. You are nothing less than a legend!

Motivational Quotes For Strong Women

You might be brave, fierce, and strong, but there are days even when Wonder Woman herself needs some motivation to save the world from a catastrophe. For times like these, we got your back. Here are some inspirational quotes for strong women like you who are always preparing to take over the world.

You don’t need to fit yourself into others’ expectations, labels, or places you have outgrown.

Spread your wings and go your way. The highway must be trafficked with people who tried to suppress the fierce woman in you! Dream big and aim higher. Even when you think it’s impossible to achieve, always dream big! You are that star whose light is within their beautiful soul! Don’t be apologetic for the person that you are- A big, powerful woman! Yes, that’s what you are! Never underestimate what you are capable of because you are capable of every good thing! Never be afraid to show how smart you are. If people around have a problem, they need to get a life! You are a free and independent woman, not a bird that can be caged! Never question the choices that you make. You are the architect of your precious life. You will not lose your femininity if you are tough and smart. You will only dominate the world for good. If you don’t know what you want in life, take a breath, make a plan and take action. You are a woman in complete control of your life. In the end, it will only be you. That is who you need to trust most when the times are tough and who you need to care for. Girl, today, you will not only Beyonce your way out and “run the world,” but the entire world will be yours.

What makes a woman empowered? Access to opportunities, the right to make her own decisions, and financial independence are some components that empower a woman. Why is women’s empowerment important? Women’s empowerment is of utmost importance to facilitate a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for women across the globe. An empowered woman shall have complete control over her life and be capable of fighting for her rights. She no longer shall be a victim of inequality and injustice.