Adding a few slices of this fruit to your diet can go a long way in helping you lose weight, given its rich nutrient profile and the fewer calories it provides. This article discusses how pineapple helps with weight loss, whether it helps reduce belly fat, and its overall health benefits. Take a look! Caution: This fruit may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. In that case, consult your doctor immediately.

How Pineapple Helps In Weight Loss

1. Low In Calories

Pineapple is low in calories. One slice (84 g) of pineapple has only 42 calories, which makes this fruit perfect for weight loss. This juicy and refreshing fruit is loaded with water (1 slice contains 72 g of water), which makes it quite filling and great for curb hunger pangs (1).

2. Low In Carbohydrates

Instead of indulging in refined carbs, it is better to grab a bowl of juicy pineapple slices to fulfil your sugar craving. Studies have shown that low-carbohydrate foods, along with lifestyle management, help in losing weight (2).

3. Contains Proteolytic Enzymes

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme, i.e., an enzyme that helps break down protein molecules. It is found in pineapple and has anti-inflammatory properties (3). A study conducted on Wister rats fed a high-fat diet found that the bromelain found in pineapple juice aids weight loss by regulating the serum leptin and insulin levels (4).

4. May Help In Digestion

The bromelain in pineapple acts as a digestive aid (5). It breaks down protein molecules to aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Proper digestion helps reduce bloating and shed some weight.

5. Good Source Of Fibre

165 g of pineapple contains 2.3 g of fiber (1). Fiber, both soluble and insoluble, helps you lose weight by adding bulk to your diet and making you feel fuller for longer (6).

6. Curbs Appetite

If you feel the urge to munch on a snack, cut up a pineapple to fill your stomach as it is rich in fiber, juicy, and loaded with water. This will keep your stomach busy for a while. Fruits rich in fiber help curb appetite, delay gastric emptying and provide satiety (6). This, in turn, helps you cut down on unnecessary calorie intake and aids weight loss.

7. Powerhouse Of Manganese

Pineapple is rich in manganese (7). A study conducted in China found that dietary intake of manganese is inversely proportional to abdominal fat and metabolic syndrome (8). So, enjoy pineapple juice or chunks of pineapple as your mid-morning drink or snack to lose weight. Now, let’s answer the question that is on everyone’s mind.

Does Pineapple Burn Belly Fat?

The enzyme bromelain found in pineapple has lipolytic and proteolytic effects, which helps burn overall body fat (4). Bromelain also increases the rate at which food passes through the stomach and intestines, making it easier to digest. It also targets your belly area when combined with diet, lifestyle changes, and exercise routines. So, let’s check out how you can consume pineapple to aid weight loss.

How To Consume Pineapple For Weight Loss 

1. Pineapple Juice

Serves: 2, Preparation Time: 5 minutes Ingredients

1 cup chopped pineapple Juice of half a lime 1 tablespoon organic honey A pinch of Himalayan pink salt

How To Prepare

2. Pineapple And Cucumber Juice

Serves: 3-4 cups, Preparation Time: 10 minutes Ingredients

2 medium-sized cucumbers ½ cup chopped pineapple 5 celery sticks 1-inch fresh, grated ginger A pinch of black salt

How To Prepare

3. Pineapple Iced Tea

Serves: 6, Preparation Time: 10 minutes, Cooking Time: 5 minutes, Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients

4 cups of water 1 cup freshly prepared pineapple juice 7 tea bags ⅓ cup lemon juice 

How To Prepare

4. Pineapple Smoothie

Serves: 2, Preparation Time: 5 minutes, Cooking Time: 1 minute, Total Time: 6 minutes Ingredients

1 ½ cup fresh pineapple juice 1 medium-sized banana 1 ½ cups pineapple chunks ¾ cup Greek yogurt

How To Prepare Pineapple offers many health benefits besides weight loss. Check them out in the next section.

Other Health Benefits Of Pineapple

The bromelain in pineapple not only aids digestion but also possesses anti-inflammatory properties (9). Thus, it may provide relief from osteoarthritis (10). The bromelain and vitamin C in pineapple help boost immunity (11), (12). The rich antioxidant profile of pineapple can help reduce oxidative stress in the body (13). Bromelain may help treat asthma (14). Bromelain also helps treat diarrhea and constipation, aids digestion, regulates the functioning of the small intestine and kidneys, and normalizes the colonic flora (15). The malic acid in pineapple improves oral health, boosts immunity, and smoothens your skin (15). Manganese, an essential mineral in pineapple, improves bone health (15).

Does pineapple make you fat? Pineapple is a low-calorie and high-water content fruit. So, eating pineapple does not make you fat. Does boiled pineapple skin aid weight loss? There is no scientific evidence that pineapple skin helps in weight loss. Relish a cup of juicy pineapple slices as a snack along with other healthy approaches to lose weight. Is pineapple fattening at night? Pineapple is rich in fructose. Fruits that are rich in these simple carbs are not advisable to eat night as they may make your blood glucose levels spike. Is pineapple a keto-friendly food? No, pineapple is not a keto-friendly fruit. When should you eat pineapple to lose weight? You can have pineapple as a snack between meals or before bedtime on a relatively empty stomach. Can you lose weight by just eating pineapple? The pineapple diet is designed on the premise of eating only pineapples for two days for weight loss. However, this is not a healthy or sustainable diet and should not be done without medical supervision. How many calories are in 1 cup of fresh pineapple? One cup of pineapple contains roughly 83 calories (16).