If you don’t want to wait until your periods to know whether you are expecting or not, wait for at least a week or two after having had sex and retake the test. Repeat the test in a couple of days to reconfirm the results. Also, do not drink too much water before a test to prevent diluting the urine. This may not give you accurate results. It is better to test your first urine in the morning. Keep reading to learn how to detect pregnancy with homemade tests.

Best Homemade Pregnancy Tests

Note: All these tests are based on anecdotal evidence. We strongly recommend you to use a pregnancy kit and consult a doctor.

1. Urine Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of urine A flat-surfaced container

What You Have To Do How It May Work After 24 hours, if you see a small frothy/ foamy layer on top, you might be pregnant. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a frothy layer may indicate the presence of the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone, which is usually secreted when you are pregnant.

2. Sugar Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

3 tablespoons of white sugar ½ cup of urine (first urine of the day) A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work If the sugar dissolves in the urine, you can rule out the chances of pregnancy. But if it begins to clump, it may be an indication of pregnancy. The presence of the HCG hormone in your urine may lead to the clumping of sugar.

3. Bleach Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of bleach ½ cup of urine A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work Anecdotal evidence suggests that you might be pregnant if it foams or you observe any reaction/changes in the bleach. The urine may react with bleach due to the presence of the HCG hormone. However, if there is no reaction, the result may be negative.

4. Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

2 tablespoons of morning urine A dollop of white toothpaste A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work It is believed that if the toothpaste turns light blue or becomes frothy, you might be pregnant. However, if there are no reactions and the toothpaste dissolves in the urine, the result might be negative.

5. Strips Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of urine HCG test strips A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work Two colored lines on the strip indicate pregnancy, while a single line indicates a negative result. If there are no lines, the test is invalid and you have to try again.

6. Salt Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of urine 2-3 tablespoons of salt A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work Anecdotal evidence suggests that clumped salt may be a sign of pregnancy. This is because the salt reacts with the HCG hormone and clumps. However, if the salt dissolves without clumping, the test is negative.

7. Shampoo Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of urine 1-2 tablespoons of shampoo A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work If you observe any change in the color, it hints at a positive pregnancy. But in the absence of any such changes, the result may be probably negative. However, the exact mechanism or logic behind this test is unclear.

8. Soap Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

2 tablespoons of morning urine A small piece of soap A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work It is said that when the HCG hormone comes in contact with the soap, it may react and form bubbles or froth, which indicates a probable pregnancy. But in the absence of this hormone, the soap will not changes and remain intact, thus indicating a negative result.

9. Vinegar Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

1½ cups of morning urine 1 cup of vinegar A plastic cup

What You Have To Do How It May Work Anecdotal evidence suggests that vinegar changes color on reacting with the HCG hormone in the urine if you are pregnant. But if it doesn’t change color, it rules out chances of pregnancy.

10. Dandelion Pregnancy Test

You Will Need

½ cup of morning urine 2-3 fresh dandelion leaves A wide container

What You Have To Do Place the dandelion leaves in the urine and observe them after 10 minutes. How It May Work It is believed that the dandelion leaves may develop red marks after reacting with HCG, indicating pregnancy. However, if they do not change color, you may not be pregnant.

11. Pregnancy Test Using A Basal Body Thermometer

You Will Need A basal body thermometer What You Have To Do How It May Work It is said that if the thermometer shows a basal body temperature of 98.6°F or 37°C, there is a chance that you may be pregnant. The basal body temperature usually increases during ovulation and decreases if you don’t conceive. But if you are pregnant, it continues to remain high. The above-mentioned homemade pregnancy tests are not backed by any scientific research and may not be accurate. So, if you think you are pregnant, it is better to check using a pregnancy kit and consult a doctor.

What To Do After Taking A Home Pregnancy Test

If you test negative for pregnancy but have not yet got your periods, you must:

Wait for a week and retake the pregnancy test to rule out the chances of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test first thing in the morning for best results. But can you pee in a cup and test for pregnancy? Yes, you can. Wait for your periods to arrive. Sometimes, they might be delayed because of an underlying medical condition like PCOS. If you have not got your periods even after a month or two, and you still test negative for pregnancy, consult your doctor. During pregnancy, women may also experience bleeding. You should talk to your gynecologist about when bleeding is normal and when it is a cause for concern.

If your pregnancy test is positive, here is what you should be doing:

First and foremost, you must visit your doctor to confirm your pregnancy and get an ultrasound test done. The next thing you must do is calculate the due date of your baby and start preparing. Follow the doctor’s advice to maintain your overall health and care for the fetus. Wait until you complete the first three months before you reveal your pregnancy to your extended family, as it becomes stable only after the first trimester. Give up unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking. Indulge in healthy habits like some mild pregnancy-safe workouts. Also, pay extra attention to your diet.

You need to work with your doctor throughout the pregnancy to ensure the journey is safe for you and the child. Here are some early signs to check out for during pregnancy.

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body experience changes, and as a result, you may experience:

Tender and swollen breasts Fatigue and tiredness Cramping Nausea Vomiting Food cravings or aversions Frequent headaches Constipation Mood swings Dizziness Increased basal body temperature Missed periods

Although these symptoms have been observed in many pregnant women, they might also occur when you are about to get your periods (PMS) or could even be an indication of an underlying condition. It is best to consult a doctor and get yourself tested. What is a finger test in pregnancy? The finger test in pregnancy refers to checking for the firmness of your cervix by inserting your finger through the vaginal opening. The cervix should feel firm to the touch if you are not pregnant and soft if you are pregnant. In addition, your cervix may be at a higher position if you have conceived as opposed to being lower as is usual before menstruation. How does a pregnant belly feel in early pregnancy? Your belly may feel rounded, bloated, and full due to the effect of progesterone, a pregnancy hormone. What does early pregnancy discharge look like? Early pregnancy discharge may look like pale-yellow mucus, or it may look sticky or white. What part of your stomach hurts in early pregnancy? The lower portion of the stomach may hurt during the first trimester of pregnancy. When do most pregnancy symptoms start? Some pregnancy symptoms start within a few days of conception whereas other early symptoms may begin after around a week from conception. Can I take a pregnancy test at night? Yes, you may take a pregnancy test at night. However, it is advisable to take it early in the morning as the pregnancy hormone may be present in the urine in higher concentrations at that time.
