Highlights Of The Article

1. What Is A Plank?

Plank is a bodyweight exercise, which means you use your body weight (instead of other weights like dumbbells or barbells) to build strength. It is also known as Kumbhakasana in Sanskrit, and is a part of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. Holding your body on your toes and forearms while facing down (or on the side) for a few minutes is what you do in plank exercises. It is a static exercise and requires no equipment. Its effects are immense, about which I will talk in the next section. Check it out.

2. Why Should You Plank?

Doing plank exercises regularly can benefit you in many ways. From helping you get a flat tummy to improving your mood, this posture-correcting exercise is beyond just a static exercise. Here is the list of benefits of doing planks every day.

Improves Posture – Planking strengthens the core and lower back muscles, thereby improving your posture.

Reduces Belly Fat – Tummy pooch is an indispensable gift that most of us get in return for our poor lifestyle habits. If you want to lose those extra inches, you need to plank. By building and strengthening the core muscles, you will be able to sculpt your abs in no time.

Improves Flexibility – Planks are great for improving flexibility as well. You should do different variations of planks to get rid of your belly fat.

Reduces Back Pain – If you suffer from back pain, planking can be one of the solutions. Since this exercise targets both the core and back muscles, it strengthens them, thereby reducing back pain.

Uplifts Mood – Lastly, being able to kill a plank properly can help improve your mood and kick the feel-good hormones in. It’s a great way to build confidence and have a “go-for-it” attitude.

Builds Stamina – Being able to hold a plank for a few minutes and then gradually increasing the time will help build stamina. And you will be able to perform other exercises better.

Now you know why you should plank. Let’s see how to do the standard plank exercises and its other variations to target the different muscles in your body.

3. 21 Plank Exercises

1. Traditional Plank

This is the most basic form of plank and works on your entire body. One thing to keep in mind – your hands should be directly underneath your shoulders, and your body should be in a straight line. Here’s how to do the traditional, basic plank. Target – Core, glute, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

2. Forearm Plank

The Forearm Plank, also known in yoga as the Dolphin Pose, is a variation of plank that is done on your forearms. This works exactly like the first exercise, but it also targets your upper back and shoulder muscles. Here’s how to do it correctly. Target – Core, glute, shoulders, lats, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

3. Side Elbow Plank

The Side Elbow Plank is a variation of the Forearm Plank. It is also done as a beginner’s version of the Side Plank. Though this variation puts slightly more pressure on your shoulders, it is easier to balance. Target – Core, glute, adductori  XA group of muscles located within the thighs that are responsible for the movement and flexibility of the legs. , external and internal obliques, and biceps.  Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

4. Star Forearm Plank

This is an advanced variation of the Side Elbow Plank. It challenges your flexibility, strength, and balance. Target – Core, glute, adductor, external and internal obliques, and biceps. Rest – 25 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

5. Hip Dips

This move is very effective for toning that love handles, getting rid of the muffin tops, and whittling your waist. It targets your obliques, abdominals, and even your lats. Target – Core, glutes, adductors, external and internal obliques, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

6. Hip Twists

Hip twists are one of the best plank exercises for toning your waist and strengthening your core. Target – Core, glute, adductor, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

7. Side Arm Plank

This is a variation of the traditional plank. It is very effective for correcting the upper back posture and targeting your upper back fat. This move is great for toning the obliques. Target – Core, glute, adductor, obliques, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

8. Star Side Arm Plank

The Star Side Arm Plank is a variation of the Side Arm Plank exercise. It is a very advanced move, which requires a lot of balance. It is also one of the best strengthening exercises in yoga. Target – Core, glute, adductor, obliques, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

9. Rolling Plank

The rolling plank is a strengthening and cardio exercise that is excellent for your hips, waist, core, and arms. This move can be done on the arms as well as forearms. Target – Core, glute, obliques, shoulders, biceps, and wrist flexorsi  XGroups of muscles responsible for the flexing and bending of various body parts. and extensorsi  XA group of muscles that allow you to stretch, extend, and straighten your body parts. . Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

10. Plank With Leg Lift

Plank with leg lifts strengthens your entire upper body. By lifting one leg, you intensify the work done by your core stabilizers. This helps build their power. Target – Core, glute, obliques, shoulders, biceps, and wrist flexors and extensors. Rest – 20 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

11. Plank Up-Downs

This is a tough (but fun) plank exercise that helps build strength and stamina. Here are the muscles that it works on. Target – Core, glute, shoulders, lats, biceps, and wrist flexors and extensors. Rest – 25 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

12. Plank With Oblique Crunch

Plank with oblique crunch is an intense move for your obliques and abdominals. You can do it on a mat or use a Bosu ball. Target – Core, glute, obliques, shoulders, lower back, and biceps. Rest – 25 seconds Repeat – 2 more times [ Read: Biceps Exercises For Women ]

13. Swiss Ball Plank

This is a raised plank, which needs a Swiss ball. It intensifies the work on your core stabilizers. Target – Core, glute, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

14. Tummy Tucks

Tummy tucks are great for cardio and for targeting your abdominal muscles. Target – Core, glute, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

15. Plank Row

This move requires a set of dumbbells and is similar to bent-over-rowing. This exercise works on the following muscles. Target – Core, glute, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

16. Plank With Legs On Exercise Ball

In this variation, your legs rest on the exercise ball. This move lessens the pressure on the core and intensifies the workout. Target – Core, glute, shoulders, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

17. Plank Pikes

Again, a great cardio move for your lower belly fat and lower back. Target – Core, glutes, shoulders, lats, hamstrings, calves, quads, triceps, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

18. Reverse Plank

The Reverse Plank is quite challenging, but you can follow the steps to do it correctly. Here are the muscles this exercise targets. Target – Core, glutes, shoulders, lats, hamstrings, quads, triceps, and biceps. Rest – 10 seconds Repeat – 3 more times

19. Reverse Plank With Leg Lift


Shutterstock The Reverse Plank with Leg Lift intensifies the work your core does to stabilize you into the Reverse Plank position. Target – Core, glutes, shoulders, lats, hamstrings, quads, triceps, and biceps. Rest – 10 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

20. Plank With Donkey Kicks

This is another challenging but effective variation of the plank exercise. Here are the muscles it targets. Target – Core, glutes, shoulders, lats, hamstrings, quads, triceps, and biceps. Rest – 10 seconds Repeat – 2 more times

21. Halfway Plank

Halfway Plank is an isometrici  XExercises related to the tightening or contraction of a particular muscle group to strengthen the muscles. move in which you hold a move in its halfway position. Here are the muscles that it targets. Target – Core, glutes, shoulders, lats, triceps, and biceps. Rest – 15 seconds Repeat – 2 more times These are the 21 plank positions that will help rebuild your core and back strength. If you want to challenge yourself, you can increase the plank-hold time gradually. Here’s how you can do that.

4. How To Improve Plank Time Gradually

Improving plank time is a challenge, and you shouldn’t shy away from it. Check out the proper way to increase your plank time.

Warm up before starting your exercise routine. Do a mix of cardio and strength training to increase your stamina and muscle power. Use the timer feature on your phone to time yourself. Talk yourself through every extra second that you do. Do not rush. Practice every day.

Now, for every plank pose, you must follow certain rules to reduce the chances of being injured. Here is what you should be consistent with.

5. Common Plank Rules To Follow

Keep your shoulder blades pulled down. Your legs, buttocks, and hips should be in the same line. Keep your core and glutes engaged. Do not strain your neck. Keep it in a neutral position, look down at the floor or up at the ceiling. Refrain from curving your lower back as much as possible.

Though the plank is a great exercise, it may not be the best exercise for a few of you. Find out if you should plank or avoid it altogether.

6. Who Should Avoid Plank Exercise?

If you just had surgery. If you have pelvic pain. If you had recently undergone childbirth. If you have herniated disci  XA medical condition where a part of the spinal disk slides and pushes through the exterior, causing pain and numbness. . If you have weak bones.

You must consult your trainer and doctor before planking.

Do planks burn calories? Yes! Planks burn calories. Depending on your weight, height, time duration, and intensity, you may burn anywhere between 20-100 calories. How long should a woman be able to do a plank? As long as any man can. Get rid of the mental blocks and give your best to each rep that you do. How long do you have to plank to get abs? As far as I know, you have ab muscles; maybe they aren’t defined yet, but you sure got them. Sculpting your abs requires discipline and hard work. You must eat right and do a mix of cardio and strength training, planks, crunches, etc. How many calories will a 1-minute plank burn? If performed properly, a one-minute plank may potentially burn up to four to five calories. How long should you plank to lose belly fat? Anecdotal evidence suggests holding a plank for roughly 60 seconds for at least 3 repetitions may help reduce belly fat. Why do my elbows hurt when I do planks? Planking on a hard surface like concrete or wood can increase the risk of ulnar nerve compression injury. It is recommended that planking should be done on soft mats to reduce strain and risk of injury to your elbows. Is it normal to shake while planking? Yes, it is normal to shake during a plank because your muscles generate a significant amount of force to keep the position in place. This signifies that you are just testing the limits of your muscle contraction and its endurance capacity.