What Causes Vomiting During Pregnancy?

The exact cause of vomiting during pregnancy is yet to be established. But it is believed that a combination of physical changes that a woman’s body undergoes when she is pregnant is what may cause it. The possible causes of vomiting during pregnancy include:

Increase in Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) A rise in estrogen levels Enhanced sense of odor A sensitive stomach Stress If you are pregnant with twins, you might be more prone to vomiting. Symptoms of vomiting and nausea in a previous pregnancy. If you are prone to motion sickness, there is a higher chance that you will experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. A family history of nausea during pregnancy A history of migraine headaches

Let’s now look at the symptoms.

What Are The Symptoms Of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?

While some experience nausea and vomiting only in the morning, a majority of pregnant women experience nausea intermittently, all day long. The common symptoms are as follows:

Increased saliva production, sensitivity to odors, and change in taste.

Hyperemesis gravidarum: This is a medical condition when nausea and vomiting result in about 5% or more weight loss in an expecting woman. This might be a result of dehydration and requires hospitalization. It is much worse than normal nausea and morning sickness.

Listed below are some amazing home remedies that can offer quick relief and help treat nausea and morning sickness over time.

How To Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy Naturally

Orange Juice Water Ginger Vitamin B6 Peppermint Cinnamon Lemon Fennel Wheat Germ Apple Cider Vinegar Yogurt Kiwi Cloves Vegetable Soup Almonds

Home Remedies To Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy

Note: Though most of these remedies are backed by science and pregnancy-friendly, make sure to consult your doctor before using any of these ingredients.

1. Oranges

The fresh and citric odor of oranges can help relieve nausea almost as soon as it comes in contact with your nostrils. You Will Need

1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice 1 teaspoon of powdered orange peel

What You Have To Do

  1. Take a teaspoon of powdered orange peel and suck on it. 2. After a while, drink a cup of orange juice. How Often You Should Do This Do this whenever you feel nauseous or uneasy.

2. Water

You must up your intake of water if you are on a vomiting spree during pregnancy. Try sipping on a little water to check if your stomach can tolerate it. You must remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to prevent dehydration (1). You can also suck on some ice chips to help with nausea and vomiting.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a proven remedy for vomiting and nausea. The fresh aroma of ginger can help with nausea, while its antispasmodic effects relax your intestinal muscles. Multiple studies are in favor of consuming ginger to help with nausea during pregnancy (2), (3). You Will Need

1-2 inches of ginger 1 cup of hot water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can drink ginger tea 2-3 times daily.

4. Vitamin B6

Intake of foods rich in vitamin B6 may have a positive effect on morning sickness and constant nausea (4). Legumes, nuts, soy, poultry, and fish contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B6. Doctors may also recommend supplements for vitamin B6 (10-25 mg) that are to be taken thrice daily. However, consult your healthcare provider for the right dosage of supplements for you. Note: Do not self-medicate. Consult your doctor for the right dosage of supplements.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol that gives it a distinct odor and flavor. The minty taste and smell help in easing nausea and vomiting (5). You Will Need

A handful of peppermint leaves 1 cup of hot water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this at least 2 times daily.

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a widely used spice for cooking. It has antiemetic properties that can help relieve nausea and vomiting (6). You Will Need

1 inch of cinnamon stick 1 cup of hot water Honey Cinnamon gums (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Drink cinnamon tea at least 2 times daily.

7. Lemon

The citrusy flavor and aroma of lemons provide immediate relief from nausea and vomiting among pregnant women (7), (8). Additionally, lemons are rich sources of various minerals that are helpful in improving your overall health. You Will Need

1/2 lemon 1 glass of water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this immediately when you feel nauseated.

8. Fennel

Fennel seeds have a wonderful aroma and flavor and antiemetic properties (9). Thus, they can provide quick relief from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. You Will Need

1 teaspoon of fennel seeds 1 cup of hot water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Drink this tea 2-3 times daily.

9. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is a rich source of vitamin B6, which is known to help with nausea and vomiting in pregnant women (4). You Will Need

2-3 teaspoons of wheat germ 1 cup of warm milk Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can consume this mixture multiple times daily.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an alkaline-forming vinegar. This activity of ACV is highly beneficial in maintaining the pH of your body and neutralizing the acid content in your stomach, thus treating nausea and morning sickness. However, there are no scientific studies to prove the efficacy of ACV for morning sickness. You Will Need

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 1 glass of cold water Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Drink this mixture once every night.

11. Yogurt

Yogurt is a rich source of probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that aid digestion, which can, in turn, help reduce the symptoms of vomiting during pregnancy (10). You Will Need A bowl of plain yogurt What You Have To Do Consume a bowl of plain yogurt. How Often You Should Do This Do this 1-2 times daily.

12. Kiwi

Kiwis are rich in folate, which is an important nutrient during pregnancy (11). You Will Need

1-2 cut kiwis 1 banana (optional) 1 cup of water Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this whenever you feel nauseous.

13. Cloves

Cloves have been used in folk medicine to relieve morning sickness. They contain a compound called eugenol that imparts a strong aroma and flavor to them (12). This helps in treating vomiting and nausea. It also has a soothing effect on your stomach. You Will Need

2-3 cloves 1 cup of hot water Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can drink clove tea 2 times daily.

14. Vegetable Soup

Since vomiting tends to leave you dehydrated, it is recommended that you increase your fluid intake post vomiting during pregnancy. Once you know that your stomach can tolerate water, you can start consuming broths and soups made of vegetables or chicken. These are clear liquids that will not only provide you with the much-needed calories but also prepare your stomach for solid foods.

15. Almonds

Almonds are rich sources of various nutrients. The high protein content of almonds is believed to relieve morning sickness. They also help in digestion, which, in turn, can help reduce nausea and treat morning sickness (13). You Will Need 10-12 soaked almonds What You Have To Do Consume some soaked almonds every night to combat morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy naturally. You can also snack on small amounts of almonds throughout the day. How Often You Should Do This Once every night before going to bed. Since consistent vomitings can cause severe dehydration, it is important to replenish your body with nutrients by consuming certain nutrient and vitamin-rich foods and fluids.

What To Eat After Vomiting During Pregnancy

These tips will help you get back to your normal diet once your appetite returns.

1. Increase Your Fluid Intake

Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. Include herbal teas in your diet. For quick relief, mix apple cider vinegar and honey in water and drink it. This can help relieve the queasy sensation you may experience after vomiting.

2. Consume Protein-Rich Foods

Studies show that consuming protein-rich foods can suppress nausea (14). It can also help impart energy to your body.

3. Eat Soda Crackers Or Bars

Crackers are rich in starch, which helps absorb gastric acid and settle the uneasiness in your stomach. Carry some crackers in your bag, and snack on them whenever you feel nauseous (15).

4. Have Anything Made Of Ginger

The bioactive components can help reduce the symptoms associated with nausea. It can be consumed as a tea, or dried ginger candies, or ginger biscuits, etc. As you already know, prevention is always better than cure. Listed below are a few tips to help you deal with vomiting during pregnancy.

Preventive Tips

Have small snacks at regular intervals. Don’t lie down immediately after eating.

Do not get up immediately on waking up. Sit for a few minutes and relax before getting out of the bed.

Avoid foods that make you nauseous.

Consume foods that are served at a cold or normal temperature. This is because hot foods have a stronger aroma and might induce vomiting.

Steer clear of spicy, fried, and fatty foods as they irritate your digestive system and are hard to digest.

Sip on fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Get some fresh air by taking a walk or opening the window.

Get ample amounts of rest and take small naps at regular intervals.

Try wearing an acupressure band on your wrist. Although this band is designed to help those who become seasick easily, it is also used by pregnant women to avoid vomiting and morning sickness (16).

 Do you experience more morning sickness if you are pregnant with a boy or a girl? There is conflicting information in this regard. While one study stated that women who gave birth to girls experience more morning sickness, another study found that the rate of morning sickness was higher in women with male fetuses (17), (18). Why am I not vomiting during my pregnancy? A: Women who experience travel sickness or are easily turned off by certain odors are more prone to morning sickness during pregnancy. Hence, if you have had no such past experiences, the chances are that you may not vomit or feel nauseous during your pregnancy, and this is completely normal. What types of food can I eat after vomiting during pregnancy? If you experience morning sickness often, chew on some crackers or toast before getting out of your bed. You can also follow the BRAT diet that contains bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Also, sip on water, fresh juices, and soups throughout the day. When does vomiting start during pregnancy? A: The feeling of nausea usually begins during the 6th week of pregnancy, but it may also begin when you are just 4 weeks pregnant. The symptoms of vomiting usually disappear by the 14th week of pregnancy for most women. But for a certain lot, vomiting and morning sickness may keep showing up every now and then throughout their pregnancy. What does pregnancy fatigue feel like? A lack of energy and constant exhaustion may cause pregnancy fatigue. Is nausea a good symptom of pregnancy? Nausea is a common pregnancy symptom and not something you should be worried about. However, if you tend to feel nauseous all the time you might want to consult your doctor. How long does nausea last in pregnancy? Nausea or morning sickness in pregnancy usually begins from 8-9 weeks and can last up to 12 weeks. Can vomiting hurt the baby? No, vomiting can be uncomfortable for the mother, but it doesn’t hurt the baby. Does sleep help with morning sickness? Research shows having quality sleep and a proper sleep cycle can be beneficial during pregnancy and aid in improving overall condition and mood (19). Can coconut water cause vomiting during pregnancy? On the contrary, the electrolytes present in coconut water can stabilize the body and compensate for the loss of water during vomiting (20).
