The hydrating quality of apples is maximized when they are juiced. This delicious juice possesses polyphenols and flavonoids with anti-cancer, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The juice may support heart health, relieve symptoms of asthma, aid weight loss, and reduce the risk of certain cancers. In this article, we have discussed the health benefits of apple juice, along with its nutritional profile and potential side effects. Take a look.

Health Benefits Of Apple Juice

Apple juice may help in treating many ailments with its wide range of nutritional properties. It can improve heart health and aid weight loss. Scroll down to know more.

1. May Support Heart Health

Apples are great sources of plant compounds, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, that are beneficial for heart health (1). A study states that the polyphenols may prevent bad (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized and building up in the arteries (2). Apple juice consumption exhibits antioxidant effects and reduces the risk of coronary artery disease (3). Another study conducted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina found that the intake of apple juice improved lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in blood serum (4). Apple juice is rich in potassium. The mineral is crucial for maintaining heart health. Potassium is a vasodilator that can help lower stress on the blood vessels and reduce blood pressure (5). It can reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. May Relieve Symptoms Of Asthma

Apple juice possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties that may help relieve symptoms of asthma. The fruit juice is well-known to prevent asthma attacks (6), (1). In addition, the polyphenols in the juice play a significant role in boosting lung health and reducing the risk of pulmonary diseases (7). It has been proven by the latest research that individuals who consume apple juice on a regular basis may have better lung function (8).

3. May Aid Weight Loss

Apples are rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, and dietary fiber. The consumption of apple juice may help aid weight loss. A study conducted by the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences found that apple polyphenols had anti-obesity properties. Animal and human experiments show that intake of apples in different forms can cause weight loss in overweight people (9). Apples are good sources of flavonoids. Increased consumption of fruits with flavonoids may help in reducing body weight (10).

4. May Have Anticancer Potential

Flavonoids and phenolic acids have been proven to be effective in preventing the development of tumors and cancerous cells. A study conducted by the Federal University of Sao Paulo found that the presence of certain phytochemicals and antioxidants in apples may act against carcinogenesis. However, more studies in this line are needed to reach further conclusions (11). Another study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center found that regular consumption of one or more apples or their juice may reduce the risk of lung and colon cancers (12).

5. May Help Protect The Brain

Apple juice may protect the brain from free radical damage. The polyphenolic antioxidants in apple juice may diminish neuronal apoptosis (death of brain cells). They may help in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (13). Antioxidants have more potential to act against cancerous cells and prevent damage from oxidative stress (6). A study conducted by the University of Massachusetts-Lowell found that apple juice may improve behavioral symptoms in those with moderate-to-late stage Alzheimer’s (14).

6. May Improve Skin Health

The presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in apple juice may help improve skin health. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that this juice is widely used in natural remedies for treating skin-related issues like skin inflammation, itching, skin infections, cracked skin, and wrinkles. The polyphenols in apple juice may prevent premature aging (15).

7. May Improve Eye Health

Apples (and their juice) are rich in vitamin A (16). This vitamin helps in improving vision and prevents eye disorders (17).

8. May Improve Liver Function

Apple juice is rich in malic acid (18). Anecdotal evidence suggests that it may promote liver function. The juice may also stimulate urination, and this may promote liver health too. The alkalinity in apples assists in cleansing the toxins/waste by-products from the liver. However, research is limited in this area. Check out the nutritional information of this juice below.

Nutritional Facts Of Apple Juice

Apple contains a number of essential nutrients. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one cup (248 g) of apple juice contains (19):

Water – 219 g Energy – 114 kcal Carbohydrate – 28 g Protein – 0.24 g Sucrose – 3.12 g Vitamin C – 2.23 mg

One serving of apple juice provides your body with a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With zero cholesterol and a very low quantity of saturated fats and sodium, apples are among the healthiest fruits. Many people like drinking the juice of an apple rather than eating the fruit in the raw form. The high water content in this juice acts as a good source of rehydration. The nutritional value of apple juice is the same as that of a raw apple, provided it has been extracted from fresh apples. The commercially available juices usually contain preservatives that reduce the nutritional value of apple juice. Hence, making apple juice at home is the best way to avail its maximum benefits and nutrition. Commercial apple juice contains concentrated apple juice, water, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium citrate (less than 0.5%), and potassium phosphate. Though apple juice is generally safe for consumption, it does have a few side effects that you need to keep in mind. Check them out in the following section.

Side Effects Of Apple Juice

The consumption of apple juice is generally considered safe. However, excess intake may lead to several adverse effects. It may cause gastrointestinal problems, weight gain, kidney problems, and tooth decay.

May Cause Gastrointestinal Problems

Excess consumption of apple juice may cause some gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and flatulence. A study conducted by the Free University Hospital found that the presence of sorbitol and fructose in apple juice might cause chronic diarrhea. These are not completely absorbed by most people (20). Avoid drinking the juice on an empty stomach. It may also lead to gas and bloating due to its high sugar content.

May Contribute To Weight Gain

When compared to whole apples, the juice can be consumed faster. This may cause a high intake of calories in a short span of time. A study conducted by The Pennsylvania State University found that consumption of whole fruit induces satiety better than fruit juice. It was the least filling when compared to eating whole fruit (21). Fruit juices contain excess sugars and intake of sugar-containing beverages was found to lead to weight gain among children under age 12 (22).

Higher Risk Of Kidney Stones

The presence of oxalates in apple juice may increase the risk of kidney stones. A study conducted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that excess intake of dietary oxalates may directly lead to stone formation in the kidneys (23). The ideal dosage of apple juice could be 240 mL per day (24).

May Encourage Tooth Decay

Fruit juices are rich in sugars. The bacteria in the mouth consume these sugars and may cause tooth erosion (25). Packaged apple juice was found to be acidic and may cause damage to the tooth enamel (26).

Apple Juice Is Low In Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamin C is commonly added to fortified fruit juices. Moreover, the recommended quantity (240 mL per day) of juice intake doesn’t supply all essential vitamins and minerals. A study conducted by the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition states that the consumption of apple polyphenols from whole apples are better than those from apple juice. Whole apples contain fiber, while apple juice may most often be less in fiber (27),(28).

May Spike Your Blood Sugar Levels

Apple juice contains less fiber and more sugar than whole apples. This may lead to a spike in blood glucose levels. A study found that apple juice, along with protein foods, may reduce the glucose levels in serum better than apple juice alone (29). Is 100% apple juice good for you? Yes. 100 % apple juice is good when taken in moderation. However, eating a whole apple can help you reap more benefits. What happens if I drink apple juice every day? Apple juice can benefit your overall health when consumed daily. However, it should be homemade and without any artificial sweeteners to reap all of its benefits. Which juice is better – apple juice or orange juice? Apples have a low glycemic index and can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes. On the other hand, oranges are loaded with vitamin C and many beneficial nutrients that promote your overall health. The choice of the juice entirely depends on the individual’s taste and health conditions. Why does apple juice make my stomach hurt? Apple juice has a non-digestible form of sugar called sorbitol. Thus, it may trigger gastrointestinal issues in some people.

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